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Nb5666 Search netbus server, and remove it. It only works on netbus1.7 or earlier versions.
Tremove It removes Black Orifice and netbus's server.
Netbuster131 It does the same thing as Nb5666, but it can take a revenge while u r being hacked.
BoSpy The functions is the same as Netbuster, but it is used to detect Back Orifice.
ICQbombsqd The the same as Deflooder, but u can choose the uin which is flooded and clean the unread mesgs.
deflooder It cleans up all unread mesg.So ppl r just wasting their time to flood u.
Swat Same as ICQbombsqd, but it make a backup b4 action.
protector It opens 14 different ports,, so ppl can't get your port easily.